Surprising Facts About High Cholesterol
Fact: 100 Million Americans have High Cholesterol: By the year 2030 the cost to address heart disease alone, in the United States, will be over $1 trillion dollars a year.(1*)
Fact: Most of the Diet Tips Shoved Down Our Throats by Doctors Simply Don’t Work.
Fact: Pharmaceutical companies are making obscene profits from overpriced and dangerous statin drug concoctions that are killing people every day.(2*)
Fact: 150 years ago high cholesterol was unknown. It is the leading cause of Cardiovascular related death in America.(3*)
Fact: If you suffer from depression, you're 4 times more likely to die from heart disease.(4*)
Pure Alkaline Water Drops May Be Able To Help
Are you struggling with high cholesterol?
Has your physician prescribed Statin medications?
Do you spend hundreds, or even thousands, of your hard earned dollars to lower your high cholesterol with nothing to show for it but a pile of medical bills?
Do you struggle daily with horrible side effects caused by your high cholesterol medication?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then learn what Cholesterol is and why it is referred to as one of the "Silent Killers."
What Is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol(5*), (6*), (7*) is a waxy, fatty substance present in the body that takes part in the manufacturing of hormones.
They break down carbohydrates and proteins, produce bile and are transported by lipoproteins through the bloodstream. There are different kinds of lipoproteins with distinct functions:
High-density lipoproteins (HDL) AKA "good cholesterol"(8*) - They are stable and move easily through the blood. They carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back into the liver where they can be removed from the body. Diseases affecting the liver can affect HDL from performing their beneficial tasks.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)(9*) AKA "bad cholesterol" - They are unstable and tend to stick to the arterial walls. They contribute to plaque formation, or atherosclerosis, which leads to various serious complications.
Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL)(10*) These carry triglycerides and cholesterol that are considered to be harmful.
Intermediate-density lipoproteins(11*) Similar to VLDLs, these also carry triglycerides and cholesterol.
Chylomicrons(12*) These are very large particles that are rich in triglycerides. Triglycerides are the main constituents of vegetable oil and animal fats.
How High Cholesterol Leads to Heart Disease
High cholesterol are considered to be a risk factor in the development of heart disease.(13*) It contributes to atherosclerosis or plaque formation within the wall of the arteries resulting in grave consequences when the blood supply to a vital organ is restricted due to the blockage by the plaque.
In the process of atherosclerosis, cholesterol is brought to the arterial lining at the site of injury through LDL. It interacts with free radicals and becomes oxidized. The oxidized LDL releases toxins, stimulating the inflammation further and joins with white blood cells to form the lipid foam which is later capped with calcium deposits that cause hardening. (14*) The elasticity of the artery is lost, and the passage of blood is hampered by the plaque. When atherosclerosis progresses, the plaque may dislodge its contents into smaller arteries that can be completely occluded. When an artery supplying the heart is affected, it can lead to a heart attack and may ultimately cause death.
Cardiac Surgery Is Not The Answer
For Your High Cholesterol & Heart Disease
In one year alone, 400,000 patients had bypass surgery. 5% (over 20,000) of these patients died on the table or a few weeks later.(15*)
In this same year, 400,000 patients who had angioplasty surgery didn’t do much better — another 5% (over 20,000) also died.
The Journal of the American Medical Association admits that nearly 50% of all bypass-patient deaths are unnecessary — doctors know this!(16*)
The $25 Billion Dollar Lie
Cholesterol meds are big business - a $25 Billion Dollar business in the United States alone! With an advertising budget in the hundreds of millions of dollars, it’s no wonder why you can not watch TV without seeing a pill-pushing ad every 10 minutes. Can you imagine if the money we invested went into finding a cure versus marketing another pill to mask the symptoms?
The most common cholesterol prescription medications "statins", make it appear, they are lowering your cholesterol. They DO NOT! According to countless published medical reports, statins increase your risk of a heart attack.(17*)
A research finding at the University of Pittsburgh concluded that statins impair brain function.(18*) In that study, 100% of the subjects performed worse at a battery of intelligence tests than those who didn’t take stains.
While the tradeoff of a few brain cells for a healthy heart may be something you would consider, the facts are very clear. Statin medications DO NOT help your heart in the first place. Additionally, the death of your brain cells is not the only consequence of taking statin medications. Academic, scientific and medical journals have clearly documented that taking statin medications contribute to the following conditions:(19*), (20*), (21*)
- Rhabdomyolysis (muscle-destroying condition)
- Kidney Damage
- Muscle Weakness And Pain
- Memory Loss
- Allergic Reaction
- Decreased Sexual Interest Or Ability
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Gas And Belching
- Headache
- Heartburn or Indigestion
- Nausea or Vomiting
Pure Alkaline Water Drops May Be Your Alternative
Your body produces cholesterol as a way of combating excessive acidification. In other words, the more acidic your body, the more cholesterol is produced as a countermeasure.
You could totally overhaul your diet and eat predominantly alkaline foods to combat the acidification caused by the typical Western diet, or you could simply use our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium. Coral calcium may gently and through time raise your body’s pH into a more alkaline state. Once a healthy body's pH has been restored, the overproduction of cholesterol should recede as well.
The link between acidification and cholesterol has been documented in academic research from Spain. One study showed that those who drank a quart of alkaline water a day for a month significantly reduced their low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increased their high-density lipoprotein (HDL) - (Peer Review Alkaline Water May Reduce (LDL) & Raise (HDL) - Digital CSIC)(22*)
Moreover, calcium itself has been shown to reduce LDL and increase HDL as evidenced by a 1992 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine - (Peer Review Metabolic Syndrome Caused By High Fructose, Low Cholesterol Diet? - Archives Medical Science)(23*)
Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium is an alkaline agent, and the bioavailable coral calcium is used to buffer overly acidic blood and replenish calcium reserves that may be overtaxed from years of acidosis.
Try Our Pure Alkaline Water Drops; In Combination With Our Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear)
If you have been looking for a way to naturally reduce your cholesterol levels, then look no further than Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules. When used in combination with our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium, the level of acute and chronic inflammation in your tissues will be drastically reduced.
This anti-inflammatory effect is enhanced by the betalains found in our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules. Further, once your blood pH is in a more alkaline range, you will feel a surge of vitality. But what about helping with high blood pressure specifically? Our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules offers two powerful amino acids to combat high cholesterol—arginine and tryptophan.
Arginine helps to reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the bloodstream.(24*) The other amino acid that helps with high cholesterol is tryptophan. A scientist discovered that increased LDL is associated with a particular protein called ApoB and the protein itself occurs when the body lacks the amino acid tryptophan. This means that ApoB may signal a lack of tryptophan and that the associated LDL levels may be controlled by supplementation with this particular amino acid!(25*) Therefore, if you control ApoB with tryptophan, you control your LDL levels as well.
You already know how amazing our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules is for high cholesterol but did you know that Natural Home Cures has created a product that will give you even faster results. Now make no mistake, the Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules are the workhorse of our nopal program. However, we also know that sublingual absorption provides faster results and that is why we created our Natural Home Cures Prickly Pear Drops. While the Prickly Pear Drops are not a replacement for the capsules, they will deliver you faster results allowing the capsules to build up in your system over time.
Ironclad “No Questions Asked”
60-Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee
Call us old-fashioned, but we don’t think that you should have to pay for this product unless it truly delivers results. That’s why we're offering you an 8-week 100%; no questions asked, unconditional, money-back guarantee.
Try our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium along with our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear) and if you are not convinced that it’s the best all-natural cholesterol-lowering product on the market, contact us right away, and we will refund your money. It’s that simple!
We Want to Save Your Heart…and Your Life!
Order Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium Today For Your Cholesterol!
Source References
(1) Cholesterol Facts Sheet - Center Disease Control
(2) The Evils Of Big Pharma Exposed - Global Research Center
(3) Cholesterol Information - Center Disease Control
(4) Depression and Heart Disease - National Institute of Mental Health
(5) Cholesterol - Wikipedia
(6) Cholesterol: Top Foods To Improve Your Numbers - Mayo Clinic
(7) Heart Disease - High Blood Cholesterol - Heart and Stroke
(8) HDL Cholesterol: “The Good Cholesterol” - WebMD
(9) Low-density Lipoproteins - Genetics Home Reference
(10) VLDL Cholesterol: Is it harmful? - Mayo Clinic
(11) IDL & VLDL in Angiographically Determined Coronary Artery Disease - PubMD
(12) Chylomicron Definition - MedicineNet
(13) Cholesterol and Heart Disease - WebMD
(14) Foam Cell - Wikipedia
(15) Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery - WebMD
(16) 50% Of Bypass's Unnecessary Many Leading To Death - Journal American Medicine
(17) Statins - Heart Health - British Heart Foundation
(18) Statins Impair Brain Function - University of Pittsburgh
(19) Statin Side Effects: Weigh The Benefits & Risks - Mayo Clinic
(20) Statins Side Effects: Pain, Inflammation and More - WebMD
(21) Statin Drugs Expose - Natural News
(22) Alkaline Water May Reduce (LDL) & Raise (HDL)- Digital CSIC
(23) Metabolic Syndrome Caused By High Fructose, Low Cholesterol Diet? - Medical Science
(24) Cholesterol Reduction - Amino Acid Studies
(25) Bad Cholesterol Indicates Amino Acid Deficiencies - Illinois News Bureau